Thought Provoking Quotes On Spirituality

“The laws of the universe exceed far beyond the rules of man. For me that means death, karma, and love; the only 3 things I believe to withstand any test of time and only true indication of a spectrum to it. Mastery of these puts us beyond the range of time itself; attainable only by God standards or some celestial essence not firmly planted onto this plane. May dwell amongst us, may watch from up above, maybe even be lurking underneath us for all we truly know but something more has to govern this seemingly mortal existence!”


“I aspire to be a giver of love, a giver of good love, a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength.”


“I am a kingdom that you can no longer wander in. So let her be the island of your exile.”

A. A.Roses

“To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“How I love those gloomy days, when the earth adorns itself in shrouds of mist. When the veil between the worlds feels thinner and I am in my prime.”


“Why worship a deity whom you cannot see, when there is the Moon in all her splendour visible? Worship her. Invoke Diana, the goddess of the Moon, and she will grant your prayers”

The House of the Wind: Aradia; Gospel of the Witches

“The fact that natural forces can be used before people find scientifically what they are is not a case for dismissing them as imaginary. If it were, we should know nothing now about electricity and the structure of matter.”

Witchcraft from the Inside

“If you go far enough back, all our ancestors were Pagans. They practiced religions that had few creeds or dogmas. There were no prophets. There were myths and legends, but no scriptures to be taken literally. These religions were based on the celebration of the seasonal cycles of nature. They were based on what people did, not what people believed.”

Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon

I want to reinstate a respect for soil. We must touch the soil. How many times do we touch our mobile phone every day? Maybe 100 times. How many times do we touch the soil? Hardly ever. We must give dignity to peasants, farmers and gardeners.

We are all part of this healthy web of life maintained by soil. The Latin word humus means soil. The words human, humility and humus all come from the same root. When humans lose contact with soil, they are no longer humans.

Satish Kumar, “The Link Between Soil, Soul and Society”

“Our consciousness sustains the Gods; the older the Egregore, the more powerful it becomes. When a cult disappears, then the Egregore sleeps on the mists of the Astral dimensions, but it can be awakened again when worshippers recall its name and perform its rites…”

Robert Cochrane

“You’re a witch. There’s never been a time when witches were cuddly and embraced by their people, my dear. Every culture has had walkers-between and that frightens people. We’re wild, with fire in our blood, wine in our bellies and the moon in our souls. We’re the frightening people who talk to spirits in the woods.”


“When eye meets eye in knowing it does not matter if a mask is worn.”

Andrew Chumbley

“Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.”

The Magicians, Lev Grossman

“Witchcraft offers the model of a religion of poetry, not theology. It presents metaphors, not doctrines, and leaves open the possibility of reconciliation of science and religion, of many ways of knowing.”

The Spiral Dance