3 Things Being Grateful Can Do To You

Practicing gratitude is a fantastic, and free tool to lighten up not only your day- but your life. Gratitude is not a catch all tool, but since heavily practicing during my last year of life my moods have improved, and when my depression rolls around it keeps me afloat.  

Gratitude is the practice of remembering what you are happy, and blessed for. These things can from a new car you got, or your warm cup of coffee every morning. Some people write physical lists, and some people practice it through daily affirmations.

So what are some changes you’ll notice?

1. Less will upset you 

Positivity will become more normal in your life, and when things do go wrong, you’ll handle it much better. You’ll be aware of all the good THATS happening to you and that one bad thing will be brushed up. Life is 10 percent of what happens to you, and 90 percent of how YOU react to you.

2. You’ll feel lighter.

Gratitude is a mood improving technique. When you practice it morning and night, you be able to most days wake up in the right mood. You’ll start if feeling empowered and take over the world, and just be able to manuever much smoother through your daily tasks.

3. People will see the difference.

When you are happier, people can tell. People who are also in the same mindset will be attracted to your new energy, and they will become more plentiful. What this does is- you’ll be able to now surrrond yourself with people who are much kinder, and much more aligned with your new found higher vibration. You’ll be able to attract things and people who are of your higher purpose.