Affirmations for a Boss Momma and Her Struggles

It’s not doubt in my mind that being a mother is hard. My son is almost two and I’ve been tested more than once. It’s taken time to learn the right level of patience with a wild soul of a child. My son is hyper active and some how- has endless energy to destroy.

One thing no one told motherhood would be filled with so much trial and error, sadness, and frustration. In the first year of my son’s life I isolated myself and shut myself in my home. No one checked up on me, and no one asked to see me nor my son.

I felt alone, and there was endless chores and messes- even to this day I constantly have a sink full of dishes, unkeep hair, hand prints all of my walls and lap, and undone laundry. Balancing his needs, my house needs, my work and clients has been the bane of my existence and sometimes I wish I never had to sleep so I could at least 20 minutes to myself.

Someone always thinks they have the answer to your issues, and people who have never been a mother or parent will give you advice that is just so beyond irrelevant and impossible to follow that you think one of these days you’re just going to plan explode. 

I’ve been there, and some days, I still am. My son is only almost two and the worse hasn’t even came yet. This article isn’t to say I’m perfect and I have all the answers- because truthfully I am still there with you- I’m still frusated most days, and most days I’m so exhausted. Hey- some days I ignore chores because sometimes I just can’t muster the energy or motivation to do it.

But I’ve found that these affirmations help me stay balanced, focused, and centered.

“I have the ability to stay patient through out the day”

“I give myself permission to relax and take things as the go”

“I have the innate wisdom to take care of my child and myself today.”

“Today is a new day, and brings new blessings”

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