Survival Guide for Spiritual Mommas

The last two years I’ve closed myself up, and kept quiet with the majority of my issues and feelings. PPD struck me hard and deep- and for the longest time I sat in my house ready to scream or cry.

Truthfully, I had the deep momma blues. It’s tough being a mother, it’s almost an upheaval of anything or everything we’ve ever known. Privacy? Alone time? Shower? What are those things again?

If you’ve never experienced this as a mother you’re either a liar or an unicorn.

Us moms got to find a way to survive and keep our spirits lifted- it’s a frustrating, never ending cycle of dirty diapers, messy house, pile of laundry, and exhausted morning.

  1. Routines will be your best friends.

Yep. Your best friend is going to be that to do list, and the organization you keep with it. This doesn’t mean everyday will be the same- that will drive you up a wall. It’s also ideal to keep in mind it’s fine to deviant from the routine time to time and not to follow a strict one.

Kids will always find a way to deviant you from this. 

But the good thing with routines is you can organize your time to where you have FREE TIME. (What’s that? I haven’t seen that in forever!) You’ll create time to be able to take care of yourself, your needs, and take a breather.

2. Healthy diet 

Yeah, we all know after a long day all we want to do is snack on those yummy nuggets your child didn’t finish, or to pop a tasty cake in your mouth. It’s easy and doesn’t use up much energy.

But I’ve found that if I take that energy to make healthy foods I actually have more energy and feel more focused. This includes drinking the recommended amount of water for yourself. 

3. Create alone time.

HAH. Alone time! But don’t laugh too much, this is VERY important. Once or twice a month be sure to pick those days out in advance and get yourself out of the house. Tell your partner, or ask a trusted friend to help you get a little freedom. Even if it’s just taking a walk, or sitting at a park. You need to decompress and reflect on your life, desires, hopes, and dreams.