20 Quotes about the Power of Manifesting 

I’ve been doing some manifesting myself- but I wanted to collect some more quotes for you! At the bottom of this article I will post some manifesting stories and Tips!
“The days when you love yourself will be the best days of your life. Love radiates from being to being like a unstoppable force, loving yourself will result in you loving others. Find peace with who you are and how you feel, accept how you manifest and acknowledge the beauty in others. Loving yourself is the most beautiful thing you can do, for yourself and the universe.”
L o v e by Amy Kennedy
“Most people do not realize that thinking about something is inviting the essence of that something into their experience.”
Abraham Hicks
“I now welcome a wonderful big surprise to occur in my life now.”
Barefoot Doctor, Manifesto
“But difficult doesn’t mean impossible, and out of the bajillions of things in this universe that you can’t control, what you can control is how hard you try.”
“Be thankful for what you have, and you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”
Oprah Winfrey
“You shape your perceptions, or someone shapes them for you. You do what you want to do, or you respond to someone else’s plan for you.”
Anthony Robbins
“You must assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled until your assumption has all the sensory vividness of reality. You must imagine that you are already experiencing what you desire. That is, you must assume the feeling of the fulfillment of your desire until you are possessed by it and this feeling crowds all other ideas out of your consciousness.”
Neville Goddard
“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
George Bernard Shaw
“When you stop existing and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with the wonder and synchronicity.”
Steve Maraboli
“Hold the vision of the completed dream in your mind. See your heart’s desire. Feel the thrill of accomplishment. Offer grateful thanks in advance. Don’t ask how it will come to pass, just know that it will. Now go to work.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach, Simple Abundance
“I dream big dreams and the world tried to tell me that was wrong. I can declare: I am no longer listening to the world, I am listening to the Universe.”
Destiny Calls
“Ask questions to the Universe frequently and often and let it open doors for you!”
Christie Marie Sheldon
“To go against the dominant thinking of your friends, of most of the people you see every day, is perhaps the most difficult act of heroism you can perform.”
Theodore H White
“When you do become cleansed and you are free, your own mind is automatically healed. It
becomes the prepared ground where seeds, your desires, can take root and grow into manifestation”
Neville Goddard
“The quality of our lives is determined by the focus of our attention.”
Cheri Huber
“Manifest plainness, Embrace simplicity, Reduce selfishness, Have few desires.”
Lao Tzu
“The main point to remember is once the subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to execute it. It works by association of ideas and uses every bit of knowledge that you have gathered in your lifetime to bring about its purpose. It draws on the infinite power, energy, and wisdom within you. It lines up all the laws of nature to get its way.”
Joseph Murphy, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
Steve Jobs
“Intuition goes before you, showing you the way. Emotion follows behind, to let you know when you go astray. Listen to your inner voice. It is the calling of your spiritual GPS system seeking to keep you on track towards your true destiny.”
Anthon St Maarten
“There is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it. Whether it is a material object, a physical state of being, a relationship, a condition, or a circumstance – at the heart of every desire is the desire to feel good. And so, the standard of success in life is not the things or the money – the standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel.”
Esther Hicks 
Tips on Raising Your Vibrations
How I Manifested A New Tarot Deck
Tips and Tricks! Law of Attraction !

Survival Guide for Spiritual Mommas

The last two years I’ve closed myself up, and kept quiet with the majority of my issues and feelings. PPD struck me hard and deep- and for the longest time I sat in my house ready to scream or cry.

Truthfully, I had the deep momma blues. It’s tough being a mother, it’s almost an upheaval of anything or everything we’ve ever known. Privacy? Alone time? Shower? What are those things again?

If you’ve never experienced this as a mother you’re either a liar or an unicorn.

Us moms got to find a way to survive and keep our spirits lifted- it’s a frustrating, never ending cycle of dirty diapers, messy house, pile of laundry, and exhausted morning.

  1. Routines will be your best friends.

Yep. Your best friend is going to be that to do list, and the organization you keep with it. This doesn’t mean everyday will be the same- that will drive you up a wall. It’s also ideal to keep in mind it’s fine to deviant from the routine time to time and not to follow a strict one.

Kids will always find a way to deviant you from this. 

But the good thing with routines is you can organize your time to where you have FREE TIME. (What’s that? I haven’t seen that in forever!) You’ll create time to be able to take care of yourself, your needs, and take a breather.

2. Healthy diet 

Yeah, we all know after a long day all we want to do is snack on those yummy nuggets your child didn’t finish, or to pop a tasty cake in your mouth. It’s easy and doesn’t use up much energy.

But I’ve found that if I take that energy to make healthy foods I actually have more energy and feel more focused. This includes drinking the recommended amount of water for yourself. 

3. Create alone time.

HAH. Alone time! But don’t laugh too much, this is VERY important. Once or twice a month be sure to pick those days out in advance and get yourself out of the house. Tell your partner, or ask a trusted friend to help you get a little freedom. Even if it’s just taking a walk, or sitting at a park. You need to decompress and reflect on your life, desires, hopes, and dreams. 

Affirmations for a Boss Momma and Her Struggles

It’s not doubt in my mind that being a mother is hard. My son is almost two and I’ve been tested more than once. It’s taken time to learn the right level of patience with a wild soul of a child. My son is hyper active and some how- has endless energy to destroy.

One thing no one told motherhood would be filled with so much trial and error, sadness, and frustration. In the first year of my son’s life I isolated myself and shut myself in my home. No one checked up on me, and no one asked to see me nor my son.

I felt alone, and there was endless chores and messes- even to this day I constantly have a sink full of dishes, unkeep hair, hand prints all of my walls and lap, and undone laundry. Balancing his needs, my house needs, my work and clients has been the bane of my existence and sometimes I wish I never had to sleep so I could at least 20 minutes to myself.

Someone always thinks they have the answer to your issues, and people who have never been a mother or parent will give you advice that is just so beyond irrelevant and impossible to follow that you think one of these days you’re just going to plan explode. 

I’ve been there, and some days, I still am. My son is only almost two and the worse hasn’t even came yet. This article isn’t to say I’m perfect and I have all the answers- because truthfully I am still there with you- I’m still frusated most days, and most days I’m so exhausted. Hey- some days I ignore chores because sometimes I just can’t muster the energy or motivation to do it.

But I’ve found that these affirmations help me stay balanced, focused, and centered.

“I have the ability to stay patient through out the day”

“I give myself permission to relax and take things as the go”

“I have the innate wisdom to take care of my child and myself today.”

“Today is a new day, and brings new blessings”

Where Did The Bees Go? Story Time
Psychic? Medium? FAQ
How I Manifested A New Deck

Affirmations to Start Your Day Off Right

Affirmations are great for uplifting your spirits and getting yourself focused. These affirmations are a FANTASTIC tool to really affirm your goals day to day. 

Affirmations are best used and utilized if you use the daily, if not through out your day. After using them on a regular basis I promise you’ll see a difference. 

Here are a couple affirmations for you guys to try out:
“Today I allow myself to be patient with myself, and those around me.”
“I give myself permission to have a good day”
“I am glad that I have been blessed with a chance to make a difference.”
“Today I can do everything I put my mind to”
“There is nothing but good coming my way today.”
“I am going to keep moving towards aligning my spirit, soul, and mind today.”
“Today I focus on allowing myself to be true and honest to myself and those around me.”
“I give myself permission to take everything moment to moment, and listen to my bodies needs and wants.”

Quotes You Need To Hear About Tarot 

“The tarot embodies symbolic presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense they contain secret doctrine, which is the realisation by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all”

A. E. Waite
“Tarot brings us out of ourselves. It moves our perceptions outwards and onto the cards. Rather than living with the possibility imagined in our mind’s eye, the possibility is spread on the table before us.”
Sasha Graham
“The tarot is an outer oracle of which the inner oracle is the source”
Philippe St Genoux
“All divination resembles an attempt by a man born blind to obtain sight by getting blind drunk.”
Aleister Crowley (writing as Frater Perdurabo), Tarot Divination
I cannot promise to be a Tarot reader who doesn’t make any mistakes or knows the future with complete certainty. But I can promise that through my humanity, I will help you with the best of my ability and with the purest intentions.
― Ivan Ambrose
“Working slowly is essential. You are trying to heal old wounds, not create new ones. Do not look for rapid change. In our fast-paced, flick-of-the-switch culture, it is tempting to seek immediate results. You have probably been responding to life in a set of patterns for years: it will take time to change your responses.”
Tarot Shadow Work 
“Tarot Cards are the best friend you can ever have. They are always there for you.”
Nikita Dudani
“One of the techniques that I found most helpful was studying and reading Tarot cards using side-by-side comparisons of the same card from multiple decks. Looking at the same card via different decks adds valuable nuances of meaning. I named this technique the ‘Comparative Tarot Method’…”
Valerie Sim, Tarot Outside the Box
 “There seem to be only two kinds of people:
Those who think that metaphors are facts,
and those who know that they are not facts.
…Which group really gets the message?”
Joseph Campbell

3 Things Being Grateful Can Do To You

Practicing gratitude is a fantastic, and free tool to lighten up not only your day- but your life. Gratitude is not a catch all tool, but since heavily practicing during my last year of life my moods have improved, and when my depression rolls around it keeps me afloat.  

Gratitude is the practice of remembering what you are happy, and blessed for. These things can from a new car you got, or your warm cup of coffee every morning. Some people write physical lists, and some people practice it through daily affirmations.

So what are some changes you’ll notice?

1. Less will upset you 

Positivity will become more normal in your life, and when things do go wrong, you’ll handle it much better. You’ll be aware of all the good THATS happening to you and that one bad thing will be brushed up. Life is 10 percent of what happens to you, and 90 percent of how YOU react to you.

2. You’ll feel lighter.

Gratitude is a mood improving technique. When you practice it morning and night, you be able to most days wake up in the right mood. You’ll start if feeling empowered and take over the world, and just be able to manuever much smoother through your daily tasks.

3. People will see the difference.

When you are happier, people can tell. People who are also in the same mindset will be attracted to your new energy, and they will become more plentiful. What this does is- you’ll be able to now surrrond yourself with people who are much kinder, and much more aligned with your new found higher vibration. You’ll be able to attract things and people who are of your higher purpose.

Thought Provoking Quotes On Spirituality

“The laws of the universe exceed far beyond the rules of man. For me that means death, karma, and love; the only 3 things I believe to withstand any test of time and only true indication of a spectrum to it. Mastery of these puts us beyond the range of time itself; attainable only by God standards or some celestial essence not firmly planted onto this plane. May dwell amongst us, may watch from up above, maybe even be lurking underneath us for all we truly know but something more has to govern this seemingly mortal existence!”


“I aspire to be a giver of love, a giver of good love, a giver of good vibes and a giver of strength.”


“I am a kingdom that you can no longer wander in. So let her be the island of your exile.”

A. A.Roses

“To be sure, I am a forest, and a night of dark trees: but he who is not afraid of my darkness, will find banks full of roses under my cypresses.”

Friedrich Nietzsche

“How I love those gloomy days, when the earth adorns itself in shrouds of mist. When the veil between the worlds feels thinner and I am in my prime.”


“Why worship a deity whom you cannot see, when there is the Moon in all her splendour visible? Worship her. Invoke Diana, the goddess of the Moon, and she will grant your prayers”

The House of the Wind: Aradia; Gospel of the Witches

“The fact that natural forces can be used before people find scientifically what they are is not a case for dismissing them as imaginary. If it were, we should know nothing now about electricity and the structure of matter.”

Witchcraft from the Inside

“If you go far enough back, all our ancestors were Pagans. They practiced religions that had few creeds or dogmas. There were no prophets. There were myths and legends, but no scriptures to be taken literally. These religions were based on the celebration of the seasonal cycles of nature. They were based on what people did, not what people believed.”

Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon

I want to reinstate a respect for soil. We must touch the soil. How many times do we touch our mobile phone every day? Maybe 100 times. How many times do we touch the soil? Hardly ever. We must give dignity to peasants, farmers and gardeners.

We are all part of this healthy web of life maintained by soil. The Latin word humus means soil. The words human, humility and humus all come from the same root. When humans lose contact with soil, they are no longer humans.

Satish Kumar, “The Link Between Soil, Soul and Society”

“Our consciousness sustains the Gods; the older the Egregore, the more powerful it becomes. When a cult disappears, then the Egregore sleeps on the mists of the Astral dimensions, but it can be awakened again when worshippers recall its name and perform its rites…”

Robert Cochrane

“You’re a witch. There’s never been a time when witches were cuddly and embraced by their people, my dear. Every culture has had walkers-between and that frightens people. We’re wild, with fire in our blood, wine in our bellies and the moon in our souls. We’re the frightening people who talk to spirits in the woods.”


“When eye meets eye in knowing it does not matter if a mask is worn.”

Andrew Chumbley

“Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.”

The Magicians, Lev Grossman

“Witchcraft offers the model of a religion of poetry, not theology. It presents metaphors, not doctrines, and leaves open the possibility of reconciliation of science and religion, of many ways of knowing.”

The Spiral Dance

Here are 10 Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day

Here is a collection of uplifting quotes for your day! Hope the help out on this day you’re able to read it!

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”
Anne Sexton 

“You are bound to go up and down, just as I did in my youth, but do keep your clarity of mind, and if fools or sages dare to criticise don’t blame yourself too much.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

“Be strong when you feel weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.”


“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”

Henry David Thoreau

“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.”


“Remember: when you talk, you only repeat what you already know. If you listen, you may learn something.”


“Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can’t always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.”

Lauren Kate, Torment

“To accept one’s past – one’s history – is not the same thing as drowning in it; it is learning how to use it. An invented past can never be used; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.”

James Baldwin

“You’re so calm and quiet, you never say. But there are things inside you. I see them sometimes, hiding in your eyes.”

Tracy Chevalier

“It’s been said that love finds you when you’re ready.”

James Patterson

Why You Should Practice Gratitude Right Now

Being grateful is important to changing your mindset and being able to create a much more positive approach to life. 

I remember once when I was younger and going through what was the hardest part of my life- my therapist once said to me: Being happy is some thing we do. It doesn’t come to you. While there are things that happen to us that are traumtic we have a chance everyday when we wake up- to make the effort to have a good day. 

Though- let’s be realistic, life is hard. Life throws curve balls, and I don’t agree that happiness is an all the time thing. (Actually- being happy all the time is unhealthy.) The reason is stuck out to me was where the conversation led to.


He spoke of how to try to create more happiness. He went onto saying that there is a tool to help you maintain a positive outlook when you wake up: Gratitude.

Gratitude is important because you count your blessing. You focus on what is going right. You focus on what you do have, and not what you DON’T have. It creates a more positive self talk, and reminds you of what’s great about your life.

Tips and Hints on Law of Attraction

Yes, I went to Rehab and it’s none of your business.

When you put your business online- you are going to be critized once and awhile. In my time of being a blogger I’ve had my fair share of not so great fed back. Some people don’t accept my spiritual and religious approach, and some people don’t agree with my approach to recovery. My maturity is to the point where at time I can accept to agree to disagree.

When it comes to writing about addiction- I can get protective. It has been for a long time my most sensitive topic. For the longest time talking about my own addiction has brought me a great deal of shame, and have for a long time worked towards keeping distance from it. It has taken a great amount of healing to discuss it openly.

For awhile I got nothing but positivity about, support about it, and kind words about it. But recently my worse nightmare occurred.

Someone used it against me.

For about a day it put me in a bad mood, a funk, and could feel myself getting lower, lower, lower. The truth is- it struck me really, really hard. 

Though the real truth is- it’s not your business. It’s no one freaking business but MINE. While I write about recovery and my experience- it’s no ones but my business to talk about. If my words help you, I have done my job. But if you want to use it against me- have fun because your input is irrelvant. 

Whether or not I did go- it’s not your topic to bring. It’s not your business to spread. An addicts story is theirs to talk about- it’s not for you or about you.