Affirmations for a Boss Momma and Her Struggles

It’s not doubt in my mind that being a mother is hard. My son is almost two and I’ve been tested more than once. It’s taken time to learn the right level of patience with a wild soul of a child. My son is hyper active and some how- has endless energy to destroy.

One thing no one told motherhood would be filled with so much trial and error, sadness, and frustration. In the first year of my son’s life I isolated myself and shut myself in my home. No one checked up on me, and no one asked to see me nor my son.

I felt alone, and there was endless chores and messes- even to this day I constantly have a sink full of dishes, unkeep hair, hand prints all of my walls and lap, and undone laundry. Balancing his needs, my house needs, my work and clients has been the bane of my existence and sometimes I wish I never had to sleep so I could at least 20 minutes to myself.

Someone always thinks they have the answer to your issues, and people who have never been a mother or parent will give you advice that is just so beyond irrelevant and impossible to follow that you think one of these days you’re just going to plan explode. 

I’ve been there, and some days, I still am. My son is only almost two and the worse hasn’t even came yet. This article isn’t to say I’m perfect and I have all the answers- because truthfully I am still there with you- I’m still frusated most days, and most days I’m so exhausted. Hey- some days I ignore chores because sometimes I just can’t muster the energy or motivation to do it.

But I’ve found that these affirmations help me stay balanced, focused, and centered.

“I have the ability to stay patient through out the day”

“I give myself permission to relax and take things as the go”

“I have the innate wisdom to take care of my child and myself today.”

“Today is a new day, and brings new blessings”

Where Did The Bees Go? Story Time
Psychic? Medium? FAQ
How I Manifested A New Deck

Eye opening quotes on Magick and Witchcraft.

Quotes are single-handedly one of my favorite things in the world, and I’ve been enjoying creating these very powerful, thought Provoking quotes lists.

These a very touching, and teaching quotes on witchcraft and magick. Please enjoy them:
“The fact that natural forces can be used before people find scientifically what they are is not a case for dismissing them as imaginary. If it were, we should know nothing now about electricity and the structure of matter.”
Witchcraft from the Inside
“Why worship a deity whom you cannot see, when there is the Moon in all her splendour visible? Worship her. Invoke Diana, the goddess of the Moon, and she will grant your prayers”
The House of the Wind: Aradia; Gospel of the Witches
“If you go far enough back, all our ancestors were Pagans. They practiced religions that had few creeds or dogmas. There were no prophets. There were myths and legends, but no scriptures to be taken literally. These religions were based on the celebration of the seasonal cycles of nature. They were based on what people did, not what people believed.”
Margot Adler, Drawing Down the Moon
“Always throw salt over your left shoulder. Keep rosemary by your garden gate. Add pepper to your mashed potatoes. Plant roses and lavender for luck. And fall in love, whenever you can.”
Practical Magic
“Most books on witchcraft will tell you that witches work naked. This is because most books on witchcraft are written by men.”
Good Omens ~ Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett 
“You’re a witch. There’s never been a time when witches were cuddly and embraced by their people, my dear. Every culture has had walkers-between and that frightens people. We’re wild, with fire in our blood, wine in our bellies and the moon in our souls. We’re the frightening people who talk to spirits in the woods.”
“Most people carry that pain around inside them their whole lives, until they kill the pain by other means, or until it kills them. But you, my friends, you found another way: a way to use the pain. To burn it as fuel, for light and warmth. You have learned to break the world that has tried to break you.”
The Magicians , Lev Grossman
“I know of witches who whistle at different pitches, calling things that don’t have names.”
Helen Oyeyemi
“Once upon a time, I thought faeries lived only in books, old folktales, and the past. That was before they burst upon my life as vibrant, luminous beings, permeating my art and my everyday existence, causing glorious havoc.”
Brian Froud
“Magic is the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will. The will can only become magically effective when the mind is focused and not interfering with the will. The mind must first discipline itself to focus its entire attention on some meaningless phenomenon. If an attempt is made to focus on some form of desire, the effect is short circuited by lust of results.”

Peter Carroll, Liber Null & Psychonaut

Recovery and Spirituality
How I Manifested A Tarot Deck
Tips and Tricks! Law Of Attraction

Affirmations to Start Your Day Off Right

Affirmations are great for uplifting your spirits and getting yourself focused. These affirmations are a FANTASTIC tool to really affirm your goals day to day. 

Affirmations are best used and utilized if you use the daily, if not through out your day. After using them on a regular basis I promise you’ll see a difference. 

Here are a couple affirmations for you guys to try out:
“Today I allow myself to be patient with myself, and those around me.”
“I give myself permission to have a good day”
“I am glad that I have been blessed with a chance to make a difference.”
“Today I can do everything I put my mind to”
“There is nothing but good coming my way today.”
“I am going to keep moving towards aligning my spirit, soul, and mind today.”
“Today I focus on allowing myself to be true and honest to myself and those around me.”
“I give myself permission to take everything moment to moment, and listen to my bodies needs and wants.”

Quotes You Need To Hear About Tarot 

“The tarot embodies symbolic presentations of universal ideas, behind which lie all the implicits of the human mind, and it is in this sense they contain secret doctrine, which is the realisation by the few of truths embedded in the consciousness of all”

A. E. Waite
“Tarot brings us out of ourselves. It moves our perceptions outwards and onto the cards. Rather than living with the possibility imagined in our mind’s eye, the possibility is spread on the table before us.”
Sasha Graham
“The tarot is an outer oracle of which the inner oracle is the source”
Philippe St Genoux
“All divination resembles an attempt by a man born blind to obtain sight by getting blind drunk.”
Aleister Crowley (writing as Frater Perdurabo), Tarot Divination
I cannot promise to be a Tarot reader who doesn’t make any mistakes or knows the future with complete certainty. But I can promise that through my humanity, I will help you with the best of my ability and with the purest intentions.
― Ivan Ambrose
“Working slowly is essential. You are trying to heal old wounds, not create new ones. Do not look for rapid change. In our fast-paced, flick-of-the-switch culture, it is tempting to seek immediate results. You have probably been responding to life in a set of patterns for years: it will take time to change your responses.”
Tarot Shadow Work 
“Tarot Cards are the best friend you can ever have. They are always there for you.”
Nikita Dudani
“One of the techniques that I found most helpful was studying and reading Tarot cards using side-by-side comparisons of the same card from multiple decks. Looking at the same card via different decks adds valuable nuances of meaning. I named this technique the ‘Comparative Tarot Method’…”
Valerie Sim, Tarot Outside the Box
 “There seem to be only two kinds of people:
Those who think that metaphors are facts,
and those who know that they are not facts.
…Which group really gets the message?”
Joseph Campbell

3 Things Being Grateful Can Do To You

Practicing gratitude is a fantastic, and free tool to lighten up not only your day- but your life. Gratitude is not a catch all tool, but since heavily practicing during my last year of life my moods have improved, and when my depression rolls around it keeps me afloat.  

Gratitude is the practice of remembering what you are happy, and blessed for. These things can from a new car you got, or your warm cup of coffee every morning. Some people write physical lists, and some people practice it through daily affirmations.

So what are some changes you’ll notice?

1. Less will upset you 

Positivity will become more normal in your life, and when things do go wrong, you’ll handle it much better. You’ll be aware of all the good THATS happening to you and that one bad thing will be brushed up. Life is 10 percent of what happens to you, and 90 percent of how YOU react to you.

2. You’ll feel lighter.

Gratitude is a mood improving technique. When you practice it morning and night, you be able to most days wake up in the right mood. You’ll start if feeling empowered and take over the world, and just be able to manuever much smoother through your daily tasks.

3. People will see the difference.

When you are happier, people can tell. People who are also in the same mindset will be attracted to your new energy, and they will become more plentiful. What this does is- you’ll be able to now surrrond yourself with people who are much kinder, and much more aligned with your new found higher vibration. You’ll be able to attract things and people who are of your higher purpose.

Here are 10 Quotes That Will Brighten Your Day

Here is a collection of uplifting quotes for your day! Hope the help out on this day you’re able to read it!

“Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.”
Anne Sexton 

“You are bound to go up and down, just as I did in my youth, but do keep your clarity of mind, and if fools or sages dare to criticise don’t blame yourself too much.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise

“Be strong when you feel weak, brave when you are scared, and humble when you are victorious.”


“Pursue some path, however narrow and crooked, in which you can walk with love and reverence.”

Henry David Thoreau

“When you stop chasing the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.”


“Remember: when you talk, you only repeat what you already know. If you listen, you may learn something.”


“Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere. We can’t always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.”

Lauren Kate, Torment

“To accept one’s past – one’s history – is not the same thing as drowning in it; it is learning how to use it. An invented past can never be used; it cracks and crumbles under the pressures of life like clay in a season of drought.”

James Baldwin

“You’re so calm and quiet, you never say. But there are things inside you. I see them sometimes, hiding in your eyes.”

Tracy Chevalier

“It’s been said that love finds you when you’re ready.”

James Patterson

Why You Should Practice Gratitude Right Now

Being grateful is important to changing your mindset and being able to create a much more positive approach to life. 

I remember once when I was younger and going through what was the hardest part of my life- my therapist once said to me: Being happy is some thing we do. It doesn’t come to you. While there are things that happen to us that are traumtic we have a chance everyday when we wake up- to make the effort to have a good day. 

Though- let’s be realistic, life is hard. Life throws curve balls, and I don’t agree that happiness is an all the time thing. (Actually- being happy all the time is unhealthy.) The reason is stuck out to me was where the conversation led to.


He spoke of how to try to create more happiness. He went onto saying that there is a tool to help you maintain a positive outlook when you wake up: Gratitude.

Gratitude is important because you count your blessing. You focus on what is going right. You focus on what you do have, and not what you DON’T have. It creates a more positive self talk, and reminds you of what’s great about your life.

Tips and Hints on Law of Attraction

Affirmations That Will Change Your Self Talk

Affirmations are becoming more and more popular, but a lot of people either don’t know what they are, or don’t know how to utilize them properly. An affirmation is something we say out loud or to ourselves to affirm a belief or a way of thinking- comparable to a prayer but for yourself.

Affirmation are great to teach yourself healthy, productive self talk. Self talk is very important for many reason- it can breed a much productive, motivated lifestyle. Negative self talk can create self restriction, poor outlook on life, and poor attitudes.

Here is a compiled list of Affirmations that you can use daily to improve your self talk:
I have permission to be happy

I am allowed to make mistakes- they are needed to learn

I am powerful, unstoppable, and courageous

There is nothing that can stop me

I can overcome all obstacles that come to me

No one control me other than me

I am talented, unique, and one of a kind

There is no one just like me, and I am living an unique experience

I am a being of love- I both give and recieve

I have the right to set boundaries for myself

Here are Five Ways to Brighten Your Day

A lot of coaches or spiritualist talk about mindset, mindset, mindset. 

“Mindset is key to everything”

“As long as your have the right mindset you’ll succeed”

The frustrating part is that they never tell you 1) what the right mindset is 2) how to achieve this mindset. Often the only reply is “think positively”. Which sure, that seems like great advice but if it were that simple- than I probably would not pay you hand over fist to have a coaching session with you.

I’m going to tackle the “positive thinking” aspect of this issue, and in another blog post I’ll tackle mindset more deeply.

Now you can try to be as positive as possible, but you’re going to run into one issue: some days it’s just going to be IMPOSSIBLE. Why? Because it’s really just not human to always have the perfect energy and positive attitude. If anyone tells you it is, they’re lying to you. They’re hiding one vital truth: when they are having a rough day they retreat to these five tricks:

1.) Music. 

It doesn’t matter what genre they listen to- as long as they can vibe to it and it speaks to them. I mean, even with me when I’m having a bad day I put my radio on a jam out. Dance, sing, and jam until my heart is completely content.

2.) Rest.

Yep, rest is so vital. A lot of people will tell you to push through the mental blockage. This is horrible advice. The best thing to do when you are having a hard day is to just slow down and take everything second by second.

3.) Being Mindful.

Any good spiritualist knows a bad day is clearly a day to get in touch with everything around them. Being able to feel the earth beneath you, the smells around you, truly taste food and drinks will bring you back into reality and take you out of that funk you’ve sunk into.

4.) Nature.

Now this one isn’t always possible, especially if you live in an area like I do that half the year it’s gloom and doom, but letting the sun shine on your skin is such a great way to start your day right or to be able to shake some dust off your day. Good weather is fantastic for recharging your energy.

5.) Affirmations.

Affirmations are a great way to start working on a long term goal of fixing your inner voice. Speaking positive things out loud to yourself is a great way to slowly rid of that negative self talk- which is one of the greatest ways to creat self restrictive attitudes.

These are my first go to tactics when I’m feeling a little blue. 

Why I Became A Spiritual Coach 

Sometimes it feels unreal to me that I live the way I do. It’s odd to mirror the world that lives inside me. Lately I’ve been asked the same question by everyone I speak with and all my clients as to how and why I decided to go from a tarot reader to a spiritual coach. 

And at first, it took me a second to really think about this question. Why did I decide to switch gears? Is it because I’m falling out of love with reading? Of course not, I will always love reading tarot and plan on contuining reading professionally. But I discovered that my tarot readings don’t completely fill me up the way they did in the first place.

My drive is to touch and change as many lives as I can, actively changing the narrative and dialogue of the world around us. To teach people to be more loving, understanding, and welcoming, but also teach them how to actively do this in their own lives. 

Teaching people not to fear change- but to open up to it and let it in. To help people through their struggles, whether this manifests in a spiritual, mental, sexual, and physical issue. To help people move past blockages and to move past old patterns in their lives.

I want to help raise self awareness and awareness to what’s around us.

Yet, why do I hold this so dear to me? I’ve been through it. But unlike my clients, they don’t have to do it alone. A lot of my issues were due to isolating myself. It is also not having the tools to go out and look for help. It’s not having a real mentor who understood what was going on to me.
Our society is going through a very odd shift- and a lot of people are struggling to shift with it. I see things in society that I do not like, and instead of waiting around for someone else to do it, I want to be apart of what’s good for our society.

I want to help people transform. I want to guide people. I want to spread love and postivitu because I have lived with so much hate and darkness. To resolved hate and anger is my biggest goal for my clients- to be able to productively alter their reality in a good way.